Any fine, hand-made cigar has two ends, the “cap” at the top which you cut and put in your mouth, and the “foot” at the bottom where you light it. I always take a look at the foot when buying or smoking a cigar, but the other day was the first time that I really sat down and inspected one with a magnifying glass. It was only then that I truly saw the mélange of colors, textures, and patterns that are in a fine cigar. It was also then that I knew I wanted to photograph a variety of cigar feet to capture the beauty in them.
(In 2017 I photographed a second set in Cigar Feet Part II.)

The amount of open space in the filler is interesting, especially compared to some of the others.

I like the different colors and shades of the filler.

This one sort of reminds me of Van Gogh's "Starry Night", and I even see a bit of Munch's "The Scream" in there as well.

This one reminds me of the classic illustration of a cell, with the endoplasmic reticulum on the lower left.