Mar 26, 2020

Baseball Dissection 2020 Edition


On day eight of my COVID-19 lockdown, I got around to doing something I’ve been threatening to do for a little while but never found the time. Suddenly, I have a some extra time.

I originally dissected a baseball back in 2012, but was never happy with the pictures. The dissection wasn’t really planned, and as such, the pictures weren’t taken in the best light, so to speak. They were taken in my apartment, on the floor, using my living room lighting and a Canon EOS 7D, which was not known for its low light performance. The pictures all suffer from high ISO graininess and a white balance that is too warm. While the white balance issue could be corrected, to a degree, doing so would only exacerbate the high ISO quality issues. I really just wanted to start over and do it right. The 2020 Edition aims to do just that by using good photographic lighting and a camera which has great image quality.

First up, remove the red laces.

Baseball with laces removed
The baseball with the laces removed
Baseball and lace
The baseball with the laces removed, and laces

Next up, removing the leather coverings, which are glued to the yarn underneath.

leather covering
The leather covering

The leather coverings have a stamp in them that is probably related to a production number. In the 2012 Edition, it was “EOBRCO”.

Inside of leather covering
Inside of the leather covering
Baseball with leather removed
The baseball with the leather coverings removed

The finishing yarn is next to be removed.

Finishing yarn removed
Finishing yarn removed

Once the finishing yarn is removed, the third layer of wool yarn is revealed.

Third layer of wool yarn
Third layer of wool yarn before removal
Third layer of wool yarn removed
Third layer of wool yarn after removal

The second layer of wool yarn is next.

Second layer of wool yarn removed
Second layer of wool yarn after removal

Finally, the first layer of wool yarn needs to be removed.

First layer of wool yarn removed
First layer of wool yarn after removal, and rubber encased cork center
All parts
All parts of the dissected baseball surround an undissected baseball