Feb 17, 2009

Someone at Apple Support has a Sense of Humor

A while ago I had to call Apple’ s phone support due to a problem with my laptop. Being somewhat technically inclined, first level support was useless to me, so they put me on hold while transferring me to second level. What I heard on hold made me laugh.

Apple has music playing while on hold, and the song was already playing when I was put on hold. I recognized it as a Tom Petty song instantly, wasn’t completely sure of the name of the song, but I was able to sing it as it went by (to myself…I generally don’t subject strangers to my singing). As the song got closer to the chorus, and I anticipated the lyrics, I began to laugh and wonder if the song selection was made purposely.

It was Tom Petty’s “The Waiting”, which contains the line, “The waiting is the hardest part”.

How apropos.